
Base Installation

The simplest approach is to install ctwrap from the Python Package Index (PyPI), i.e.

$ pip install ctwrap


ctwrap itself does not depend on a Cantera installation (only simulation modules do). It is recommended to install Cantera before ctwrap in a separate step.

Full Installation

As an alternative to pip, the full package (i.e. including test suite and documentation) can be installed by cloning the GitHub repository. For this approach, a conda (anaconda or miniconda) environment is strongly recommended.

Clone repository: Use git to clone the repository, i.e.

$ git clone
$ cd ctwrap

Dependencies for a fully functional environment are listed in the environment.yml file in the root folder of the repository.

# ctwrap conda package dependencies
name: ctwrap
  - conda-forge
  - cantera/label/dev
  - defaults
  - python=3.7
  - numpy
  - h5py
  - pint
  - ruamel.yaml
  - pandas
  - cantera
  - setuptools
  - pytest
  - pytest-cov
  - coverage
  - ipython
  - jupyter
  - matplotlib

Create Environment: To create the enviroment, provide the environment.yml configuration to conda, i.e.

$ conda env create -f environment.yml
$ conda activate ctwrap

Installation: Use pip to install ctwrap within your python environment.

$ pip install .

For a linked installation, run pip install -e . instead.

Update: Within the ctwrap source folder, run

$ git pull
$ python develop

Uninstall: To uninstall, simply remove the conda environment, i.e.

$ pip uninstall ctwrap