FreeFlame Batch Jobs

YAML Defaults

# default parameters for the `freeflame` module
  T: 300. kelvin # temperature
  P: 1. atmosphere # pressure
  phi: .55 # equivalence ratio
  fuel: H2
  oxidizer: O2:1.,AR:5
  mechanism: h2o2.yaml
  transport: mix
  width: 30 millimeter # domain width
  loglevel: 0 # amount of diagnostic output (0 to 8)
  ratio: 3
  slope: 0.06
  curve: 0.12

Simulation Module

"""Simulation module running adiabatic flame test

Code is based on stock Cantera example `
where differences are:

* Parameter values are passed using a :any:`Parser` object
* Content is broken down into methods ``defaults`` and ``run``
import warnings

from ctwrap import Parser

# pylint: disable=no-member
    import cantera as ct
except ImportError as err:
    ct = ImportError('Method requires a working cantera installation.')

def defaults():
    """Returns Parser object containing default configuration"""
    return Parser.from_yaml('freeflame.yaml', defaults=True)

def restart(base, **kwargs):
    """Restart calculation"""
    return run(restart=base, **kwargs)

def run(model=None, upstream=None, domain=None, settings=None, restart=None):
    """Function handling adiabatic flame simulation.

    The function uses the class 'ctwrap.Parser' in conjunction with 'pint.Quantity'
    for handling and conversion of units.

        model    (Parser): overloads 'defaults.model'
        upstream (Parser): overloads 'defaults.upstream'
        domain   (Parser): overloads 'defaults.simulation'
        settings (Parser): overloads 'defaults.settings'
        restart (ct.FlameBase): previous solution

        Cantera `FlameBase` object

    # initialize

    # IdealGasMix object used to compute mixture properties, set to the state of the
    # upstream fuel-air mixture
    gas = ct.Solution(model.mechanism)

    # temperature, pressure, and composition
    T = upstream.T.m_as('kelvin')
    P = upstream.P.m_as('pascal')
    gas.TP = T, P
    phi = upstream.phi
    gas.set_equivalence_ratio(phi, upstream.fuel, upstream.oxidizer)

    if restart:
        f = restart
        f.P = P
        f.inlet.T = T
        f.inlet.X = gas.X
        auto = False
        # set up flame object
        width = domain.width.m_as('meter')
        f = ct.FreeFlame(gas, width=width)
        auto = True
        if model.transport.lower() != 'mix':
            raise ValueError("Initial simulation should use mixture-averaged transport")

    f.set_refine_criteria(ratio=settings.ratio, slope=settings.slope, curve=settings.curve)
    if model.transport.lower() == 'soret':
        f.transport_model = 'Multi'
        f.soret_enabled = True
        f.transport_model = model.transport.capitalize()

    # Solve with mixture-averaged transport model
    f.solve(loglevel=settings.loglevel, auto=auto)

    # Solve with the energy equation enabled
    msg = '    flamespeed = {:7f} m/s ({})'
    print(msg.format(f.velocity[0], model.transport))
    return f

if __name__ == "__main__":
    """ Main function """
    config = defaults()
    out = run(**config)

Running a Batch Simulation

An example for a batch simulation is given by the YAML configuration

# YAML file example for the `freeflame` module
# file specifies a parameter variation of the equivalence ratio
    upstream.phi: { mode: linspace, limits: [0.4, 2.6], npoints: 12 }
    upstream.phi: { mode: linspace, limits: [0.4, 2.4], npoints: 6 }
    model.transport: ['mix', 'multi', 'soret']
    T: 300. kelvin # temperature
    P: 1. atmosphere # pressure
    phi: .55 # equivalence ratio
    fuel: H2
    oxidizer: O2:1,AR:5
    mechanism: h2o2.yaml
    transport: mix
    width: 30 millimeter # domain width
  format: h5
  force: True
ctwrap: 0.3.0

A parallel batch job for adiabatic flame calculations using this configuration and the simulation module above can be run as:

$ ctwrap run freeflame freeflame.yaml --parallel

Results are written to a single file freeflame.h5.